2024 Ag Safety Day

 The 7th annual Ag safety day was held on October 2. The Garden County 3rd graders were the third group to attend this event on the Farm. This event is hosted by the Garden County Extension Office and the Garden County FFA Chapter. The FFA members were in charge of cooking the meal and presenting and creating sessions for the 3rd graders to go through. 

Starting the day off, Extension Educator, Sarah Paisley, gave a presentation on sun safety, afterward the 3rd graders would go on to rotate through the following Ag topics: Animal Safety, with the help of a chicken, horse, and dog; environmental safety, learning about wildlife and how to be prepared in the outdoors; and personal protective equipment where youth talked about chemical safety while tie-dying their own Ag Safety Day t-shirt. To help them learn more about where the food we eat comes from, the lunch was full of Garden County AG products.

 After lunch, the group headed off on a farm tour. Rich and Dorene Paisley graciously allowed the event to happen on the Paisley Farm so many things could be seen. Youth saw a sickle mower, baler, swather, auger, grain bins, skid-steer, and a tractor and feed wagon. FFA members took time to talk through safety precautions and youth had time to crawl in and out of the farm equipment. 

To finish off the afternoon, we had two final sessions.  The EMS crew brought out an ambulance and gave youth a tour.  Then, Garden County Sheriff's Deputies Ryan Dean, Kyle Fornander, Kris Crisis, Kelsey Brehmer reinforced the need to know how to make a 911 call in case of an emergency.  A fake scene was created on what to do when we call 911.  Kyle brought Lara to show them how she works and does drug searches. Youth learned the importance of giving good directions when calling in an emergency.

FFA members presenting included the current Garden County FFA Officers Carver Corfield, Karma Peterson, Ridglyn Stanczyk, Bre Yates, Jase Roberson, Jana Spencer, and Carolina Schwab They all did an amazing job of preparing and presenting. It is always great to see their leadership skills at work!      



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