2023 GC FFA Banquet

 2023 Garden County FFA Banquet Summary

By Karma Peterson, Garden County FFA Reporter

On Friday, April 21, 2023, the Garden County FFA chapter celebrated all the success they have had throughout the year at their annual banquet.

First-year FFA participants are eligible to earn the Greenhand FFA Degree. To earn the Greenhand FFA Degree, a member must have a Supervised Agriculture Experience, memorize the FFA Creed, answer basic FFA knowledge questions, and participated in one FFA competition throughout the year.  Participants who received their Greenhand FFA Degree were Branson Anderson, Kade Collins, Carver Corfield, Kyan Kramer, Logan Levick, Wilsie Lobner, Karma Peterson, Gauge Potts, Ridglyn Stanczyk, and Breanna Yates.

Receiving the Star Greenhand Award was Carver Corfield.  The Star Greenhand Award is awarded to an outstanding first-year member.  This member actively participates in events and excels in competitions.

To earn the Chapter FFA Degree, members must have earned the Greenhand FFA Degree, completed 10 hours of community service, have worked 45 hours or invested $145 in their Supervised Agricultural Experience, and demonstrated 5 motions of parliamentary law.  Participants who received their Chapter FFA Degree were Gavin Hunt, Oakley Larsen, and Lacey Reyman.

Outstanding members with a Chapter FFA Degree can apply for Star Chapter Awards.  This year’s Star Chapter Member was Wyland Lobner.

Agriculture education consists of three parts, the classroom education, Supervised Agricultural Experiences, and FFA.   In FFA, we emphasize the importance of excels in the classroom by awarding member with at 3.5 GPA or higher with the Scholarship Award.  This year’s awardees were Branson Anderson, Zeke Christiansen, Kade Collins, Carver Corfield, Wade Dodge, Taylor Fornander, Logan Levick, Wyland Lobner, Karma Peterson, Lacey Reyman, Gunner Roberson, Kyle Rote, Jenason Spady, Ridglyn Stanczyk, and Breanna Yates.

Our chapter recognizes the top ten participants with a Leadership Awards.  Points are awarded for participation in activities throughout the year.  This year’s top ten leaders were Jenason Spady, Gunner Roberson, Carver Corfield, Taylor Fornander, Kyle Rote, Karma Peterson, Zeke Christiansen, Logan Levick, Ridglyn Stanczyk, and Breanna Yates.

It is a Garden County FFA tradition to award one member of each class for their participation and success.  This year’s Outstanding Class Leadership awards went to Freshman: Karma Peterson, Sophomore: Kade Collins, Junior: Zeke Christiansen, Senior: Taylor Fornander.

Bayer Crop Science honors on senior member from each chapter.  This individual leadership and agriculture competencies.  The DEKALB Agricultural Accomplishment Award was awarded to Jenason Spady this year.

The annual banquet, is this year’s officer last task. We celebrate and thank the officer that have led us throughout the year.  The 2022-2023 Retiring Officers were: Historian - Wyland Lobner, Sentinel – Gunner Roberson, Reporter – Morgan Ross, Treasurer – Zeke Christiansen, Secretary – Kyle Rote, Vice President – Jena Spady, President – Taylor Fornander.

We announce and Induct the new officers for 2023–2024: Historian – Breanna Yates, Parliamentarian: Ridglyn Stanczyk, Sentinel – Carver Corfield, Reporter – Karma Peterson, Treasurer – Kyle Rote, Secretary – Logan Levick, Vice President – Zeke Christiansen, President – Gunner Roberson.

Seniors Retiring Their Jackets ere Wade Dodge, Taylor Fornander, and Jenason Spady.  We are honored to have you as members of our chapter for the last four years and wish you the best of the luck in the future.

Our chapter is very thankful to those individuals that help volunteer their time and resources to our chapter.  Volunteer Award Recognition: Sarah Paisley, Zane Vapenik, Rich & Dorene Paisley, Deputy Kyle Fornander and Lara, Alex Miller, Clint Robertson, Jayson Peetzke, Staci Holthus, Jason Spady, Jess Underwood, Rita Nickel, Carrie Hoagland, Dana Fischer, Brenda McCarthy, Kathryn Beberniss, GC Custodial Team – Rick Reece & George Fischer, Judy Starke and the 22-23 Second Grade Class, Melinda Rote, JoAnn Ross, Brandon Reyman, Jerad Peterson, Shelli Peterson, Candi Spady, Leach Farms, Oshkosh Superette – Jim and Lori Seeley, Garden County Farm Bureau.


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