Garden County FFA Competes at this Year's Last District CDE Event

On March 1 the Garden County FFA Chapter traveled to Kimball for the last District Career Development of this school year.   The members' next competition will be the Nebraska State FFA competition in Lincoln, March 29 through March 31.

The Agriculture Biotechnology Team earned a red ribbon with their third-place finish.  The team consisted of Kade Collins, Carter Dormann, Gunner Roberson, and Zeke Christiansen.  Zeke received a blue ribbon, Kade and Gunner both received red ribbons.  In this competition, the students are required to identify 25 objects used in biotechnology, a 50 questions test on biotechnology, and a practicum.  This year's theme was to develop a genetic engineering plan for GalSafe Pigs.  These pigs are genetically engineered so that organs can be used in human transplants, and the red meat is safe to eat for individuals with an alpha-gal allergy.  This allergy prevents people from eating red meat.

The Nursery Landscape team placed seventh.  During this contest individuals are required to identify 50 landscaping plants, they also identify some pests and equipment used in landscaping, a 50 question test, and complete a landscaping design practicum as a team.  This year's practicum theme was commercial areas.  The team consisted of Wade Dodge, Jenason Spady, Oakley Larsen, Karma Peterson, and Ridglyn Stanczyk.  Jenason earned a blue ribbon.

It was a nice day to look at some animals and evaluate them and give some reasoning as to the way you placed them.  The Junior Livestock Selection team must be comprised of Freshmen and Sophomore members.   Below is our all Freshmen team; Kyan Kramer, Carver Corfield, Wilsie Lobner, Breanna Yates, and Branson Anderson.  This year's team missed qualifying for state by one place with their sixth place finish.  Carver and Wilsie both earned a white ribbon.

The freshmen all get to compete in agriscience.  The Agriscience contest consists of a 50 question test from all the pathways of agriculture education.   Each year of this contest has a theme, this year it is a fetal pig dissection.   In the back row is Logan, Levick, Carver Corfield, Kyan Kramer, and Wilsie Lobner.  The front row is Ridglyn Stanczyk, Breanna Yates, and Karma Peterson.  Branson Anderson is not pictured, but also competed in the contest.  The team placed fifth and Carver earned a white ribbon.


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