Today, twenty-two Garden County FFA members competed in the Nebraska FFA District 12 Leadership Development Events held at Chadron State College. The Conduct of Chapter Meeting Team consisting of Oliver Davis, Chanley Loomis, Victor Rueda, Kenley Dehning, Gradie Loyd, Jadynn Dawkins, and Rainee Olson received a blue ribbon. Jase Roberson competed in Natural Resource Speaking and received a blue ribbon. Eli Smith and Javis Underwood both competed in Junior Public Speaking and both earned blue ribbons. Carolina Schwab competed in Employment Skills at received a red ribbon. The Animal Science Agriculture Demonstration Team, consisting of Caver Corfield. Kelbi Cooper, Kirstyn Beberniss, Bre Yates, and Cable Larsen received a white ribbon. Korryn Beberniss earned a white ribbon in Senior Public Speaking. The Plant Science Agriculture Demonstration Team earned a white ribbon. The team members are Kyan Kramer, Karma Petereson, Ridglyn Stanczyk, Jana Spenser, and Kole fo...
Our agriscience fair kids did great!! Carver Corfield received a silver medal in Division 3 of Social Systems, and Jase Roberson and Cable Larsen in Division 4 of Social Science earned the first gold medal. The Farm & Agribusiness Management team, Kyle Rote, Morgan Ross, Kyan Kramer, and Branson Anderson, took a knowledge test and completed a simulation practicum. Congratulations to Kyle for earning a white ribbon, the team placed 67 out of 96. The Agriscience team, Chris Clark, Cable Larsen, Carolina Schwab, and Jana Spencer, wrote career reports, took an agriscience knowledge test, and completed a flower dissection practicum. Congratulations to Carolina for earning a white ribbon, the team placed 124 out of 141. Oakley Larsen, Gavin Hunt, Wyland Lobner, and Carter Dormann earned their Nebraska FFA State Degree. The Junior livestock evaluation team, Javis Underwood, Kole Fornander, Kelbi Cooper, and Natalie Coss, evaluated classes of Breeding Does, Duroc Gilts, Feedlot ...
On January 8 the Garden County FFA Chapter went to the Nebraska District 12 Career Developed Events that were held at Scottsbluff. We had four team participate in Agriculture Sales, Floriculture, Livestock Management, and Welding. The Welding team got a White Ribbon, placing in fifth place and qualifying for state. Carver Corfield competed in TIG, Chris Clark competed in GMAW and placed 7th, Jase Roberson competed in SMAW getting second place and a Blue ribbon, and Wilsie Lobner competed in Oxyacetylene welding. The Ag Sales Team included Chanley Loomis getting a red ribbon, Jadynn Dawkins, Javis Underwood, and Kenley Dehning. The Livestock Management Teams consisted of Bre Yates, Korryn Beberniss, Carolina Schwab, Rainee Olson, Kirstyn Beberniss, and Kelbi Cooper. The Floriculture team consisted of Ridglyn Stanczyk, Jana Spencer, Karma Peterson, and Gracie Loyd got a Blue ribbon. By GC FFA Report Bre Yates
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