21-22 Garden County FFA Announcements

This school year we have a new team of officers and new members. In April the new officer team was elected from interviews. Kamry Kramer as President, Trey Kirch, and Jena Spady as Vice Presidents, Taylor Fornander as the secretary, Wyland Lobner as the Treasurer, Madie Rauch as the Reporter, Morgan Ross as the Historian, Gunner Roberson as the Parliamentarian, and Kaylee Leach as the Sentinel. 

Back Row: Morgan Ross, Madie Rauch, Gunner Roberson, Wyland Lobner

Front Row: Taylor Fornander, Jena Spady, Kamry Kramer, and Trey Kirch

On September 14, the FFA officers went to Gering for the FFA EDGE 2021 leadership conference. Here they learned about becoming better leaders and helping build their chapter. We met and talked with other chapters from around the area about leadership.

The chapter members are actively preparing for contests.  The Leadership Development Events are November 17 at Chadron State College.  We have two Agricultural Demonstration teams consisting of Kaylee Leach, Josie Marquez, Taylor Fornander, Madie Rauch, Carter Dormann, Wyland Lobner, Gunner Roberson, and Morgan Ross preparing demonstrations about skills they have learned in Animal Science.  Jordon Underwood and Oakley Larson are preparing resumes to compete in the Employment Skills Competition.  Our newest GC FFA member Lacey Reyman has memorized the FFA Creed and will compete in Creed Speaking.  Jena Spady is going to speak about bees in her Senior Public Speech.  And Sarah Paisley has been coaching the Parliamentary Procedures team consisting of Nick Alworth, Kamry Kramer, Trey Kirch, Emily Levick, Jena Spady, and Kyle Rote to give a ten-minute demonstration of their skills.  Career Development Events will begin in January and run through the beginning of March with contests at WNCC, Gordon, and Kimball.  These competitions include welding, floriculture, food science, livestock management, biotechnology, and many more.  Many students are developing their research skills and investigating phenomena for agriscience fair projects as well.

The chapter is also seeking out volunteer opportunities. Four of our members, Kaylee Leach, Trey Kirch, Taylor Fornander, and Gunner Roberson helped tear out the community garden at the elementary school. We are doing a highway cleanup in the near future, to help our community. As well as hosting kids' games at the Garden County Sheriff Department's Supper and Concert on November 12 at the Eagles.  The supper begins at 6:00 pm, kids games begin at 6:30 pm, and the concert with Savanna Chestnut and the Field Hands begins at 8:00 pm.  Come out and enjoy an evening of supporting the Garden County FFA and the Sheriff’s Department.  

GC FFA is also doing our annual fruit sales fundraiser through November 15. We are selling popcorn, fruit, and meat and cheese snacks. Contact an FFA member to buy these goods!  If interested in ordering please contact a GC FFA member or complete your order online at https://forms.gle/sKMJb41PLivbXzGJ8, or contact our advisor Shauna Roberson at the high school.

By Madie Rauch


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