Garden County Junior High Science Fair Winners

On January 31, 2023, the Garden County Junior High Students hosted the annual Science Fair. The students all tested a hypothesis of their choice and supported a claim based on evidence and reasoning. The winners will represent Garden County at the Nebraska Junior Academy of Science Panhandle Regional Fair on March 7, 2023, in Scottsbluff. The students tested a variety of topics. Sixth Grade From left to right: Colt Roberson, Ava Kupper, and Kadern Allen First Place - Ava Kupper Ava found that meal worms will eat the most styrofoam in an environment that provides more water for them. Second Place - Colt Roberson Colt made a slingshot from different sizes of rubber bands to launch a force cart. He found that the larger rubber bands apply more force to the cart and cause it to roll the farthest. Third Place - Kadern Allen Does music impact a dog’s behavior? Kadren found that it does. His dogs reacted more to music with a faster tempo. Seventh Grad...