2023 NJAS State Science Fair

Loomis and Dehning go to State By: Chanley Loomis and Kenley Dehning On April 20th 2023 Chanley and Kenley went to State Science Fair. They left the night before and stayed at a hotel. They then got up the next morning and headed to the Weary Center on the Wesleyan College campus in Lincoln. When they got there, they set up their displays and got judged by three judges. After they got done, they went to the cafeteria and had lunch. They then went back to the weary center where the public could view their projects. They also go to do some team activities with the Lincoln zoo. Furthermore, they saw a 5-year-old salamander that is native is western Nebraska! At the very end of the day awards were handed out, Chanley got a blue ribbon and Kenley got a red ribbon as well as a plant award. Kenley says, “I am so glad that I got to attend the science fair, it was a good experience that I won’t forget. I tested which manure grows corn the best! I loved getting to see other people’s project...