Ag Safety Day on the Farm

Garden County FFA and 4-H Hosts Ag Safety Day on the Farm By Sarah Paisley On the 5th annual Ag Safety Day, Garden County 3rd Graders were the first group to attend Ag Safety Day on the farm! This event is hosted by the Garden County Extension Office and the Garden County FFA Chapter. FFA members were in charge of creating and presenting sessions throughout the morning, and this year took on the responsibility of prepping and cooking the meal. To start the day off, Extension Educator, Sarah Paisley, gave a short presentation on sun safety. The elementary youth then rotated through the following station topics: Animal Safety, with the help of a goat, chicken, horse, dog, and feedlot calves; environmental safety, learning about wildlife and how to be prepared in the outdoors; and personal protective equipment where youth talked about chemical safety while tie-dying their own Ag Safety Day t-shirt. Before lunch, Mrs. Roberson and th...